What AJN Readers Read

nurse typing on keyboardIt’s always interesting (at least to me) to look back over the year and see what articles were the most popular. While we can’t be sure what people who read AJN in print actually viewed, we can get a good idea from those who read online. From those who accessed AJN articles either through the Ovid institutional subscription service or through our own website, www.ajnonline.com (but not counting those who read AJN articles on the iPad or via the company nursing portal, www.nursingcenter.com), here’s what we know readers viewed the most. Some of the content was new in 2017; some of it was not.

  1. AJN’s award-winning series “Evidence-Based Practice, Step-by-Step.– This series of 11 articles by Melnyk, Fineout-Overholt, and colleagues ran every other month from November 2009 through July 2011 and took readers through the steps of searching and appraising the literature and implementing change.
  2. Nursing’s Evolving Role in Patient Safety,” by Sonya Kowalski and Maureen Anthony (February 2017). This content analysis of AJN articles from 1900 to 2015 explored the nurse’s role in promoting patient safety. (I have to admit, as a history buff, this is one of my personal favorites.)
  3. Interprofessional Collaboration and Education,” by Mary Sullivan et al (March 2015). This article describes the tenets of interprofessional collaboration and highlights initiatives being implemented by state action coalitions as part of the Campaign for Action.
  4. The Systematic Review: An Overview,” by Edoardo Aromatis and Alan Pearson (March 2014). This was the first of a series of articles from the Joanna Briggs Institute that provided a step-by-step approach to conducting a systematic review of the literature.
  5. Cultivating Mindfulness to Enhance Nursing Practice,” by Patricia Reid Ponte and Paula Koppel (June 2015). The authors report on the mindfulness program they implemented at the Dana Farber Cancer Institute in Boston and how mindfulness can enhance nursing practice and nurses well-being.
  6. Original Research: “Napping on the Night Shift: A Two-Hospital Implementation Project,” by Jeanne Geiger-Brown et al (May 2016). Although research shows that napping on the night shift can reduce nurses’ sleepiness, this pilot study revealed the barriers to its implementation.
  7. Vital Signs: No Longer a Nursing Priority?” by Louise Rose and Sean Clarke (May 2010). In this Viewpoint, the authors argue for more attention to nurses’ monitoring of patient vital signs.
  8. Health Information Technology and Nursing,” by Susan McBride et al (August 2012). This article provides a comprehensive look at the federal mandate to improve electronic health records and the implications for nursing.
  9. Improving Outcomes for Patients with Chronic Kidney Disease, Part 1,” by Jenna Norton et al (February 2017). This two part series from authors  working at the National Institutes of Health and the Indian Health Service provides an update and clinical review of what we know about kidney disease, its treatment, and the critical role of nurses in monitoring and patient education.
  10. Strengths-Based Nursing,” by Laurie Gottlieb (August 2014). This article details an approach to nursing that “recognizes the importance of focusing on strengths that can empower patients to assume greater control over their own healing and health.”

Also very popular in 2017 were:

“Incorporating Acupressure into Nursing Practice” (December 2015)

Conflict Engagement: Emotional and Social Intelligence” (August 2015)

Beyond Socks, Signs, and Alarms: A Reflective Accountability Model for Fall Prevention” (January 2016)

Original Research: “Implementation of an Early Mobility Program in an ICU” (December 2015)

Addressing Health Care Disparities in the LGBT Population: A Review of Best Practices” (June 2014)