The Healing Power of Animals: Reducing Stress in Patients and Nursing Students

Nursing students are known to have high stress levels during their nursing programs. While many researchers have explored different coping mechanisms to help nursing students cope with their stress and anxiety, not many have looked at animal interventions.

I am a huge fan of animal interventions after seeing their positive effects on patients (and staff) while I was working bedside in the hospital. Frustrated or anxious patients would usually become more accepting of care after a visit from an animal. Scared and lonely patients who were shutting down became more vibrant and open. Visitors and staff also benefitted from the visits. There were many times that as the therapy animal came down the hallway to a patient room, staff members stopped and took a moment to relax with the animal in a way that clearly refreshed them.

Becoming a therapy animal handler.

Seeing the effects of therapy animals in the hospital inspired me to pursue being a therapy animal handler myself. The hospital where I work had rabbits as part of their therapy animal program. This was a small enough animal for me to handle and care for. I picked out my first two, and I was hooked from the get-go.

The rabbits are very interactive—I like to say they are […]

2023-09-18T11:45:53-04:00September 18th, 2023|Nursing, nursing students, patient experience|0 Comments

Unseen Struggles: When the Pain of Chronic Illness Meets Disbelief

A friend’s desperation.

Photo by Ben Blennerhassett on Unsplash

It was early in the morning when I received a call from my best friend, who was crying and
distraught. She frantically rattled off her symptoms: “My stomach is on fire, I can’t sleep, nothing is relieving the discomfort, and I’m in excruciating pain.” Although she’d been feeling discomfort for the previous two weeks, at first she’d thought the intensity of her current symptoms might be from food poisoning. Given her not always healthy diet, which she and I had discussed in the past, I too at first thought she might have eaten something that set the symptoms off.

“It hurts so badly I don’t think I can take it anymore,” she told me over the phone. “I can’t stop going to the bathroom.”

She said that despite the severity of her pain, her family just thought she was being dramatic. I could sense her desperation as she sobbed over the phone. Even though she did not want to seek medical attention, I begged her to go to the nearest clinic or hospital and told her I’d meet her there.

Crohn’s disease: When nurses doubt a patient’s pain.

In the emergency department (ED) where she […]

Telehealth in Rural Nursing: Embracing Change for Better Patient Outcomes

rural road Photo by Bradyn Shock on Unsplash

When I first heard of telehealth services coming to our rural hospital, no one was a bigger skeptic than I was.

Perhaps the main reason was the way I was educated as a nurse and how I learned to practice as an APRN. Honestly, I am “old school” in every way possible. My first thought was, “This is not good practice; how could it be? Won’t there be shortcuts? How about the lack of a physical exam? How can you properly physically evaluate someone over telehealth? How can you take safe care of patients and avoid missing something that’s potentially life-threatening if you can’t touch them? How could someone a thousand miles away help me way up in the mountains of the Eastern Panhandle? What could they know about the community here and their needs?”

These were just a few of the questions and concerns I had regarding telehealth coming to our rural community access hospital. When we assess our patients, we not only to listen to their heart and lungs, look into their eyes, hear their voice, feel the temperature of their skin, but we connect. We are building trust and ensuring support with looking, listening, and feeling.

The […]

Prioritizing Assessment of Postoperative Movement-Evoked Pain

It hurts to move.

Staja Booker, PhD, RN

It’s 10:00, 15 hours postoperative, and your patient has eaten breakfast and is resting comfortably in bed. You ask the patient, “On a scale of zero to 10, how much pain are you having right now?” The patient replies “zero, as long as I don’t move.” The nurse documents the pain score as 0/10 and continues their rounds.

Most nurses are happy when patients report no pain. What is the nurse missing? The contextual factor called movement.

Several years ago, a research participant told me, “Ain’t no sense in getting up to hurt.” A very simple yet powerful statement began my quest to shift how we understand and assess the dynamics between pain and movement.

The realities are:

  • Movement increases acute pain postoperatively, and most patients are afraid to move even when the importance of ambulation is known.
  • Most patients need some type of pain medication or non-pharmacological intervention to engage in mobility-related activities.
  • Movement and mobility enhance recovery and rehabilitation.
  • Movement-evoked pain is as a major barrier to participating in activity-based interventions.

Movement-evoked pain is an important pain characteristic that describes pain and discomfort during active or passive motion of the affected area. Yet, despite awareness among nurses of the importance of setting function-related pain goals, most of our pain assessments are performed […]

The Face of Burnout in Nursing: My Personal Story and Lessons Learned

Woman looking at ocean at sunset Photo by Artem Kovalev on Unsplash

Two-and-a-half years ago, I experienced severe burnout in my role as a night shift charge nurse in a cardiovascular ICU. This blog post shares my personal story, highlighting the common ingredients of burnout and the challenges I faced. Through this experience, I learned valuable lessons that can benefit both nurses and the health care industry as a whole.

Where it All Began

Transitioning from a clinical nurse educator to a night shift charge nurse in a new cardiovascular ICU was an exciting opportunity for me. However, it soon became overwhelming due to various factors. These included a surgeon I didn’t see eye-to-eye with, moral and ethical dilemmas in patient care, staffing challenges, and a hostile work environment created by lateral violence from coworkers.

Strained to the Breaking Point

As my anxiety grew, I struggled to meet expectations each night. While prioritizing patient care and my night shift team, I feared for our patients’ well-being. Frequently, we were overloaded with acute post-cardiothoracic surgery patients. Despite my efforts to manage admissions responsibly, I faced constant pressure. Doubts crept in, and I lost trust in myself and my ability to provide safe care.

The emotional toll […]

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