September Is Ovarian Cancer Awareness Month
By Jim Stubenrauch, senior editor
This month, AJN is joining in the nationwide effort to raise awareness and promote education about ovarian cancer. The September issue contains an original research paper on “Women’s Awareness of Ovarian Cancer Risks and Symptoms” by Suzy Lockwood-Rayermann, PhD, MSN, RN, and colleagues. The authors analyzed data collected from an online survey completed by more than 1,200 women ages 40 and older and found that awareness of ovarian cancer symptoms and risk factors is low. This suggests that nurses have an excellent opportunity to educate patients and help them get diagnosed at earlier stages of the disease when it’s more treatable.
You can also hear an interview I conducted with Dr. Lockwood-Rayermann on our podcasts page.
I’ll summarize the study below, but first, you might want to know that cancer survivor, actress, and women’s health activist Fran Drescher wrote on a related topic in this month’s Viewpoint, “Women, Take Control of Your Bodies!” Drescher discusses her battle with uterine cancer and the crucial support her sister Nadine, a nurse, provided on her “medical oddysey.” After writing a book about her experience, Cancer Schmancer, Drescher started the Cancer Schmancer Movement, an organization dedicated to promoting education, legislation, and social reform aimed at early detection of cancer. […]