Nurses spend more time with patients than most other types of providers and have unique insight into patient care and the the healthcare system.
Daughter or Nurse? Caught Between Roles When a Father Is Hospitalized
“Word moves quickly that a patient on the unit has a daughter who is an RN.”
That’s from this month’s Reflections essay, “The Other Side,” in which a nurse struggles with her own mounting helplessness as her father’s hospital stay following surgery is unexpectedly prolonged.
On the other side.
The author finds herself in an uncomfortable in-between position, one that may be familiar to other nurses who have had family members in the hospital.
“I am an outsider, a family member on the other side. I know there is information not shared with me, information the health care team keeps to themselves. These conversations take place in whispered voices outside the room—conversations I have been a part of in the recent past, on my unit.”