Remembering Veterans – All of Them
In the November 2010 issue of AJN, we published an editorial, “Families are Veterans, Too,” recognizing the stress and sacrifices of families of those who serve in the military. On this Veterans Day, we’re sharing an excerpt of that editorial below, and also offering free access to “Caring for Families with Deployment Stress,” the article mentioned in the editorial. This article was also published in the November 2010 issue and, unfortunately, is still very much pertinent, given that many families are still experiencing the stress of having a loved one deployed to a conflict zone. We honor and thank all those who have served.
As Erin Gabany and Teresa Shellenbarger explain in “Caring for Families with Deployment Stress,” that stress can be considerable. In families with children, deployment means that a two-parent household becomes in effect a single-parent one; when a single parent is deployed, grandparents, aunts, or uncles may find themselves filling that role. The deployment period may be especially difficult for families of soldiers in the National Guard or in reserve units—they’re less likely to be living on or near a military base or to have access to its resources and to other families going through the same experience. They’re also likely to have less income when the reservist’s civilian pay stops. Such stressors can play a role in a range of physical, emotional, and behavioral problems.
Nurses in all settings—not just those in clinics serving military families—may […]