About Hui-wen Sato, MSN, MPH, RN, CCRN

Hui-Wen (Alina) Sato, MSN, MPH, RN, CCRN, is a pediatric intensive care nurse in Southern California and blogs at http://heartofnursing.blog.

The Gift of Feedback

By Giulia May/Unsplash

In a recent Schwartz Rounds session at my hospital, the facilitators centered the discussion around the theme, “The Gift of Feedback.” As I listened to the panelists share their experiences, I recalled two recent exchanges with colleagues I’ve developed positive working relationships with over the years.

One was with a hardworking care partner (CP) who has been in our unit for about six years. The other exchange was with an attending physician who had been a well-respected leader in our PICU long before my 11 years working there. I find both to be very kind and very professional.

Asking a care partner for feedback.

As one of the more experienced bedside nurses in our unit, about once every four to six weeks I fill the role of relief charge nurse. I’ve done it enough over the years to feel decently comfortable in the role, but I do it so infrequently that each time I find myself relearning aspects of the role.

The charge nurse always sits in the same station as the care partner who manages the front desk. This individual gets a close-up view of how all the different relief charge nurses handle the role. One day towards the end of a busy shift, I […]

Precepting: Revisiting Ground Rules with My New Grad RN

A return to precepting.

By Suzanne D. Williams/Unsplash

There is no question that precepting new grad RNs requires a lot of extra thought, time, and energy for bedside nurses also looking to take care of our patients and their family members. But even as an introvert who finds it challenging to talk nearly nonstop for an entire 12-hour shift, I have in the past still enjoyed precepting. I’ve found it deeply rewarding to watch someone under my mentorship grow in skill and confidence as a young nurse.

When the pandemic hit and sent my young children home for distance learning, I took a break from precepting, as my capacity for additional mentoring at work had shrunk significantly.

Now that my children are back on their school campus, I am preparing to precept a new grad who is part of a cohort that went through nursing school during a pandemic with considerable limitations to their clinical experiences. As I dust off my own preceptor hat, I have found myself revisiting what I want to lay out as a foundation for my new preceptee. […]

A Plea for Help in Making Nursing Sustainable

by Casey Horner/via Unsplash

My hairdresser made a comment that I hear from a lot of people who are not in health care.

“I don’t know how you do a full 12-hour shift when it’s life-and-death work. I mean, I have long days working too, but cutting and styling hair isn’t life and death. I just can’t understand how you do it.”

I smiled and shrugged, as I usually do.

“Thanks for recognizing that. I don’t know. We get used to it, and we have a certain flow at work, even when it gets crazy. Plus it cuts down on the number of days I have to commute to work since I get so many hours in in one day.”

I had so much more to say, but that wasn’t the place for it. This is.

It’s true that at our core, we nurses are just wired to do this kind of work and we can push through it beyond a standard eight-hour work day. It also works well for consistency in ICU patient care to only have one changeover of the patient’s nurse from one 12-hour day shift to the incoming 12-hour night shift. We have generally found ways to ride the waves of an especially high census mixed with especially sick patients, typically followed […]

How I Would Prepare My Child to Become a Nurse

‘Mommy, do you like your job?’

Photo by Tatiana Syrikova from Pexels

My five- and seven-year-old daughters are now old enough to understand that Mommy has a job as a nurse where she takes care of some pretty sick patients. From what I gather, their young minds really only seem to grasp that sometimes Mommy comforts her patients when they don’t feel well. As much as I would love to explain to them that my work as a pediatric ICU nurse is much more complicated and challenging than this, I also don’t mind them seeing me as someone who comforts others as a key part of my job.

But lately my five-year-old has started asking me more questions about my job: “What kind of patient did you take care of? How was your day at work? Do you like your job?” As one with a strong disdain for fluffy answers, even to a five-year-old, I’ve found myself considering how to answer her in a way that is both age-appropriate and honest.

When she asked if I liked my job, I thought about my patient writhing in agony yesterday—his loving parent present in the room—as we struggled to perform necessary interventions while also looking […]

2021-05-03T09:46:09-04:00May 3rd, 2021|Nursing|5 Comments

The Bittersweet Reality of a Nurse’s Limits in Providing End-of-Life Care

Three young patients on the same trajectory.

Image by strikers/pixabay

I have recently spent time with a few young patients all on the same sharp trajectory towards their final day of life. All had different diagnoses, and on the days I had the privilege of being their nurse, they were each at different points on that trajectory.

M. was just four days away from dying, though he and all his medical caretakers thought at that point that he had at least a few more weeks.

J. was a couple of months away from dying, and on my shift with her, she knew her situation was bad but remained hopeful for some last-ditch interventions.

R. was well-appearing outside of an unsteady gait and slight sideways drift of her eyes. She maintained levity and a hopeful innocence in the first few hours of my shift with her before I took her to her MRI scan. As I watched her MRI images appear with a clear and tragic diagnosis, I heard the physicians outside of earshot from the MRI table discuss the inoperable, inevitable turn this would take for her in the very near future. R. didn’t know yet that her budding dreams for adulthood would not come to pass, and it felt […]

2021-04-02T15:27:22-04:00March 31st, 2021|Nursing|1 Comment
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