About Diane Szulecki, editor

Editor, American Journal of Nursing

There from the Start: A Hospice Nurse Looks Back

A painting of Dianne Puzycki, RN, hangs in Connecticut Hospice in New Haven.

At age 82, Dianne Puzycki has yet to retire from nursing—she still works the night shift once a week at Connecticut Hospice in Branford, where she’s been employed since the organization’s inception in the 1970s. Founded by Florence Wald, it was the first hospice in the United States.

Puzycki started her career in 1955 at Memorial Hospital in New York City, caring for patients with cancer at a time when death and dying wasn’t openly discussed. “We weren’t allowed to talk about that. It really haunted me for years,” she told AJN in a July profile. Several years later, she encountered two influential women: Dame Cicely Saunders, who founded the first modern hospice, and Elisabeth Kübler-Ross, who introduced the concept of the five stages of grief in her groundbreaking 1969 book On Death and Dying. Seeing them speak piqued her interest in the hospice movement, and she began volunteering for Connecticut Hospice, which eventually led to a full-time job.

Throughout the decades, says Puzycki, she’s witnessed hospice care constantly change and improve. She recalls that in the past, more patients used to […]

2017-07-26T09:35:44-04:00July 26th, 2017|Nursing, nursing career|1 Comment

AJN’s Recent Awards: As Always, It Depends on Strong Writers and Editors

Because AJN‘s reputation depends on the conscientious work of numerous authors and editors, we’d like to note here the awards AJN has been awarded in 2017 so far, both for content published in the journal and on this blog, AJN Off the Charts. We are grateful to be recognized by the following organizations:

Winning journal articles, entire issues, and covers:

2017-07-21T08:59:42-04:00July 21st, 2017|Nursing|0 Comments

Nursing Protocol for Stroke Increases Survival, Reduces Disability

image via Flickr / Vormingplus Gent-Eeklo vzw

As we report in a July news article, a new study showed that a nursing care plan for stroke, implemented in the first 72 hours after admission, reduced deaths and disability compared with standard stroke care. The protocolwhich was implemented on 19 acute stroke care units in New South Wales, Australiatreated fever, hyperglycemia, and dysphagia using the following interventions:

  • Fever: Temperature monitoring every four hours; administration of paracetamol to lower temperature when needed
  • Hyperglycemia management: Blood glucose monitoring and saline or insulin infusion if indicated
  • Dysphagia detection: Nurses were trained by speech pathologists and assessed to test competency in screening for swallowing problems.

The study included 1,076 patients and confirmed the protocol’s positive outcomes four years later. (The same research group had conducted an earlier study showing the benefits after 90 days.) The authors hypothesized that rigorous implementation of the protocol in an organized stroke services setting helped preserve key tissue. […]

2017-07-12T10:20:34-04:00July 12th, 2017|Nursing|0 Comments

July Issue Highlights: Health and the Microbiome, Poststroke Depression, Need for Diverse Blood Donors, More

The July issue of AJN is now live. Here are some articles we’d like to bring to your attention.

CE Feature: Health and the Human Microbiome: A Primer for Nurses

The profound impact of the human microbiome on health makes it imperative that nurses understand the basic structures and functions of the various microbial communities. This article provides an overview of the current state of knowledge about the human microbiome—with a focus on the microbiota in the GI tract and the vagina, the two most commonly studied body sites—and discusses implications for nursing practice.

CE Feature: Early Intervention in Patients with Poststroke Depression

Nearly one-third of stroke survivors experience depression. Poststroke depression is associated with longer hospital stays, poor physical and cognitive recovery, poor quality of life, high caregiver distress, increased risk of recurrent stroke, and higher rates of morbidity and mortality. However, it often goes unrecognized and untreated. The authors of this article explain how poststroke depression often manifests, describe associated risk factors, and discuss the screening tools and therapeutic interventions nurses can use to identify and help manage depression in patients following stroke.

Clinical Feature: The Growing Need for Diverse Blood Donors

The chief nurse of the American Red Cross discusses how changing […]

2017-07-27T11:21:04-04:00June 23rd, 2017|Nursing|0 Comments

New Warnings About Protecting Children from Dangerous Substances in the Home

Photo © Istock.

As we report in a June news article, findings from several recent studies have underscored the importance of educating parents on how to keep younger children as well as older adolescents safe from exposure to dangerous substances they might accidentally ingest or deliberately seek out. Nurses can talk to parents about safe storage, ask questions about the presence of potentially hazardous substances in the home, and provide information about risks and precautions.


A study of the National Poison Data System found an increase in the rate of marijuana exposure (including edible products) among children younger than six. The rates were higher in states that had legalized the use of marijuana—an implication to be aware of as more states do the same.


Another study, conducted by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, identified health risks in young children who had ingested alcohol-based hand sanitizers. The researchers drew attention to dangers associated with inadequate safety precautions when these products are used with young children, as well as the possibility that older children might abuse them. […]

2017-06-12T09:32:38-04:00June 12th, 2017|Nursing, pediatrics|0 Comments
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