AJN’s monthly news section covers timely and important research and policy stories that are relevant to the nursing world. Here are some of the stories you’ll find in our current issue (news articles in AJN are free access):
Nonmedical Workers: A Growing Asset to Communities
Outcomes improve, costs drop, and nurses’ workloads benefit when nonmedical community health workers are available to serve as liaisons between health systems and patients. Programs to train more of these workers are gaining attention in states across the country.
Revisiting the Adult Vaccination Schedule for Tetanus and Diphtheria
Results of a new study reveal that most adults remain protected from the two diseases for 30 years without booster vaccination—and call into question the potential benefits of a modified adult booster vaccination schedule.
Teen Pregnancies, Births, and Abortions Slow
Two new reports show that the birth rate among U.S. teens has dropped to its lowest point in three decades; the percentage of teen pregnancies ending in abortion also reached a historic low. Researchers attribute the downward trend to teens using birth control more often and waiting longer to have intercourse.

Rosalind LaRocque rallies outside of the Supreme Court in Washington DC. Photo by Jacquelyn Martin / Associated Press.
Unions’ Right to Collect Nonmember Fees in Limbo
Due to a vacancy on the Supreme Court, a March decision on unions’ legal ability to collect fees from workers who aren’t union members resulted in a four–four split. The absence of a ruling means that the Court’s earlier ruling of the practice’s legality still stands—but a rehearing has been requested, which could drastically affect the future actions of nursing unions.
In addition, click here and scroll down to “In the News” for this month’s NewsCAPs (brief takes on hot health-related topics) as well as a state news roundup and a recap of announcements from U.S. and global health agencies.
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