This month’s cover features a collage of AJN covers spanning the journal’s 125 years in print. See our “On the Cover” column for more on AJN‘s visual evolution through the decades.
The January issue of AJN is now live.
We’re kicking off the new year by celebrating AJN‘s 125th anniversary! Read editor-in-chief Carl A. Kirton’s editorial to learn about the journal’s history and see archival photos.
Also worth celebrating: our annual Book of the Year Award contest winners.
This month’s CE article, “Is Your Outpatient Office Prepared to Manage an Opioid Overdose?” identifies emergency response initiatives that could be adapted to address opioid-related medical emergencies in the outpatient adult treatment setting.
With commonly used traditional passive safety pen needle (SPN) devices, it can be difficult to observe that the insulin dose has been accurately or fully administered. The authors of “Exploring the Use of Passive vs. Active Insulin Safety Pen Needle Devices in a Pediatric Population: A Feasibility Study” examined nurses’ perceptions about the feasibility of using an active SPN device compared with a passive SPN device—specifically regarding safety, ease, and accuracy of insulin delivery, as well as ease of teaching. (Open Access)
“Critical Appraisal of Evidence: Synthesis and Recommendations,” the fifth article in a series on how to teach and facilitate learning about evidence-based practice and quality improvement, discusses the synthesis and recommendation phases of the critical appraisal process. An accompanying commentary offers tips for teaching students about evidence synthesis.
See also the extensive health care news sections, the Drug Watch and Journal Watch sections, a Focus on DEI column on embracing neurodiversity in the nursing workforce, a Specialty Spotlight on travel health nursing, and more.
Browse and subscribe.
Some articles in this issue will be free to access; others will require log-in or subscription. You can subscribe to AJN, America’s most respected and oldest general interest nursing journal, for just $39.99 for a year (12 issues), so why not give it a try or give a subscription as a gift? We pay attention to appearance as well as content, and hope the cover of every issue will look good on a coffee table!
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