The Nursing Shortage: Foreign-Educated Workers Aren’t a Long-Term Solution

CGFNS VisaScreen Applications by Country of Education, 2022. Reprinted from CGFNS International. CGFNS Nurse Migration Report 2022: Trends in Healthcare Migration to the United States.

“Rather than relying on importing foreign-educated nurses, high-income countries should aim to ensure an adequate domestic supply of new nurses as well as retention of those already in the workforce.”

Increased nurse migration as a stopgap in the United States.

Demand for nurses in the United States is expected to grow to 3.3 million within this decade. But without quick action to replenish the nursing workforce, analysts project a potential shortfall by 2025 of 10% to 20% or as many as 450,000 RNs. To close this gap, the United States would need to more than double the number of new graduates entering and staying in the nursing workforce every year for the next three years.

An immediate solution would be for the United States to authorize increased migration of qualified nurses from other countries. But faced with growing shortages of their own, countries that historically have exported nurses could impose restrictions, as […]

April Issue Highlights: Nurses’ Views on Substance Users, Decarbonizing Health Care, More

“I was always the strong one, the one with the answers, the one people came to for advice….” – from the April Reflections essay, “Take Off the Mask: Getting Real About Depression, Trauma, and Loss

The April issue of AJN is now live. Here’s what’s new. Some articles may be free only to subscribers.

CE: How to Write an Effective Résumé

In today’s job market, nursing students and new graduate nurses need to develop an employer-focused résumé geared toward a specific job. This article can assist.

Nurses’ Self-Assessed Knowledge, Attitudes, and Educational Needs Regarding Patients with Substance Use Disorder

This research study’s findings indicate that, “in general, hospital nurses have negative attitudes toward patients with substance use disorder” and are in need of empathy-based education.

AJN Reports: Decarbonizing Health Care

Nurses can be involved in solutions to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in the health sector.


Access to Abortion Medications: Why Should Nurses Care?

She sat in my office, tissue in hand, tears rolling down her cheeks as she tried to process the news I’d just confirmed: she was pregnant, and really, really needed to not be. She was living in her brother’s small house, her seven-year-old son with her, sleeping on a sofa while trying to put her life back together after a divorce. She had chronic kidney disease, and had been told that another pregnancy could cause kidney failure.

She didn’t really believe abortion was a good thing to do, but also couldn’t imagine that God would want her to go on dialysis. For the most part I listened, asking a question here and there to help her clarify her own thoughts. Ultimately, she decided on an abortion, so I referred her to the closest clinic, several hours away from the rural town we met in.

Medication Abortion in the United States

By Robin Marty/Flickr Creative Commons

Even before the Dobbs decision overturning Roe v. Wade, abortion was difficult to access for people living in many regions of the country. TRAP (targeted regulation of abortion providers) laws forced many clinics to close, making abortion access challenging if not impossible even though every American was legally, constitutionally permitted to make her own decision.

Last year, […]

40-years of Forensic Nursing and Current Opportunities in Remote Sexual Assault Care

Remembering an influential article.

Patricia Speck

Timing is everything. Forensic nursing service through telehealth is possible today, as reported in a recent Kaiser Health News story, but it wasn’t always that way. Fifty years ago, Ann W. Burgess, a psychiatric–mental health nurse working in the emergency room, wrote a paper with a sociologist colleague about what she was seeing in patients who complained of being raped. “The Rape Victim in the Emergency Ward” (pdf), published in AJN, was reported nationally and informed 1970s kitchen table conversations about what rape is, is not, and when “no means no.”

Naming the trauma and its effects.

The ideas in this article were new at the time. Burgess wrote that sexual assault causes acute emotional trauma, requiring time for recovery, and she named phases of what she eventually called “rape trauma syndrome.” Prior to the article, victims of sexual assault often did not report the assault, and when they did they waited hours for a newly minted physician intern who had been punished with “rape-duty.” These physicians had no knowledge about what to do.

In accordance with societal views at the time, victims were often blamed for their rape—the way you dress, how you act, […]

When Studying Mental Illness in Nurses Means Studying Yourself

Carrying the burden of depression as a nurse.

As I read Anna’s (not her real name) description of how much effort it took to drag herself into work, how much she felt like a burden to her family, and her fear of being “found out,” tears welled up.

“I know,” I said to myself.

I was analyzing an interview transcript for a qualitative study of psychiatric-mental health nurses (PMHNs) who have experienced mental illness. More specifically, my colleagues and I wanted to know how their illnesses impacted their work as nurses.

I have been a PMHN for over 40 years, with an even longer experience of a mental illness. I recognized many of the participants’ stories in my study as my own, but none affected me the way hers did. An alarm bell inside my head went off. If I couldn’t create a clear boundary in my mind between Anna’s experiences and my own, I might be at risk of unduly influencing the study results.

Reflecting on shared experiences of depression.

I was grateful that a colleague was also analyzing these transcripts; to minimize the effects of my own potential bias, I took the opportunity to write down my thoughts and feelings in my reflexivity journal. This is […]

2023-02-02T10:33:57-05:00February 2nd, 2023|mental illness, Nursing, patient experience|1 Comment
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