What Can Nurses Do to Influence Health in Their Communities?
What can I do as just one nurse?
As a nurse, I have often heard my colleagues question their ability to influence health in their communities. At times I have felt this same sentiment. What can I do as just one nurse?
Nurses have a unique perspective of how a community’s physical, social, and economic environment can affect patients’ health. And as we expand our understanding of what creates health, nurses have the opportunity to be a powerful voice when it comes to influencing the health of their communities.
Nightingale as precedent.
Nightingale in Scutari ward during Crimean War/Library of Congress
Nurses working to improve health through environmental modification is not new. The story of Florence Nightingale is well-known. As a nurse, Nightingale recognized changes needed to improve the health of soldiers in a hospital during the Crimean War, when more of the hospitalized soldiers were dying from the spread of infectious disease than from war-related injuries. Through her work with a group of nurses, she was […]