Recent Data on Physical Inactivity Points to a More Active Role for Nurses

“. . .more attention should be given to considering total daily sitting time and to understanding the individual, social, occupational, and community environments that contribute to [it]. Nurses have a pivotal role to play in increasing public awareness about the potential adverse effects of high-volume and prolonged uninterrupted sitting.” –“Too Much Sitting: A Newly Recognized Health Risk”

“Often when I ask patients about their lifestyle, they are quick to admit they need more exercise. As a nurse, I view such conversations as opportunities to discuss and encourage physical activity.” –“The Evolution of Physical Activity Promotion”

According to recently released data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), more than 15% of U.S. adults say they don’t engage in any physical activity.

Health effects of being physically inactive.

Leading a sedentary lifestyle can lead to well-documented detrimental health effects, including an increased risk of developing cardiovascular disease, type 2 diabetes, and certain types of cancer. The World Health Organization estimates that insufficient physical activity results in 3.2 million deaths annually.

Sedentary behavior varies based on location and race/ethnicity.

Using data collected from 2015 to 2018 as part of the Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System, the CDC notes that inactivity levels range from an estimated 17.3%  to 47.7%, depending […]

As Another Coronavirus Begins to Spread, Follow Reasonable Precautions and Avoid Fear-Mongering

(Editor’s note: Published January 24. The situation has considerably changed in the intervening weeks, during which the virus has rapidly spread across the globe. We obviously now know a great deal more about the dangers it presents.)

Emerging infections are part of our world—more evident these days because we have the tools and global communication networks to quickly identify them. This month, we’ve begun another crash course in the initial management of a new pathogen.

Short timeline from first cases to screening test availability.

Rumors of a concerning cluster of undiagnosed pneumonia in Wuhan, China, surfaced on social media on December 31. The patients weren’t responding to antibiotic therapy, but tests were negative for the usual viral suspects. World Health Organization staff quickly connected with Chinese health officials and testing and epidemiological investigations kicked into high gear.

Many of the infected patients had worked at a fish and live animal market in Wuhan, suggesting that the illnesses might be zoonotic (passing from animals to human) in origin. On January 7, the pathogen was identified as a new coronavirus, related (though not closely) to the coronaviruses that cause SARS and MERS. The viral genome was quickly sequenced, and on January 12, China shared the genetic sequence with the global scientific community. By […]

Looking Back to Look Forward: Top Health, Nursing, Policy, and Clinical Practice News of 2019

Photo via Flickr / Luis Marina

Each January, AJN takes a close look at the most noteworthy health care–related news of the past year, from general health stories and policy to specific nursing and clinical issues. Which stories stood out in 2019? Here’s a rundown:

Health care news

  • Negative trends intensify for key measures of population health and access to care. As life expectancy declines again in the United States, signaling a three-year trend, the Affordable Care Act remains under threat from GOP-sponsored litigation; children have been losing coverage; new work requirements and paperwork barriers are undercutting Medicaid coverage gains; and rising drug costs are in the spotlight.
  • Cyberattacks and hospital data security. Health care organizations’ cybersecurity spending lags behind that of other industries.
  • A changing climate. As environmental protections are weakened or rolled back, new research details the significant and long-lasting health consequences of climate change.
  • Women’s reproductive health. The U.S. maternal mortality rate continues to rise, and several states have passed legislation to curtail abortion access.
  • Society in distress. In 2019, Americans experienced the public health consequences of political discord, poverty, and unaddressed social needs, as magnified by the crisis at the border and rising rates of gun violence and homelessness.

2020-01-14T09:16:17-05:00January 14th, 2020|health care policy, Nursing|0 Comments

2020: The International Year of the Nurse and Midwife

By Barbara Stilwell, PhD, RN, FRCN, executive director, Nursing Now, a three-year global campaign seeking to raise the profile of nurses

Barbara Stilwell of Nursing Now

The World Health Organization has declared that 2020, the 200th anniversary of Florence Nightingale’s birth, will be the International Year of the Nurse and the Midwife. The year represents a once-in-a-generation opportunity to celebrate and thank nurses and midwives for all that they do, and to make clear the critical contribution that our professions can make in achieving universal health coverage. It is urgent that we make the most of 2020.

A global health care workforce crisis.

We are edging ever closer to a significant global health care workforce crisis. The WHO estimates that we are facing a shortfall of 18 million health workers to achieve and sustain universal health coverage by 2030—and approximately half of that shortfall, 9 million health workers, are nurses and midwives.

It is high time, therefore, that countries think radically differently about the way they train, deploy, and look after their health workers, particularly nurses and midwives. This will require political commitment and domestic resource mobilization. Countries will need to increase their allocation to health budgets to invest in their nursing and midwifery […]

A Matter of Public Health: Physicians Make Case for Vaccinating Immigrants in Custody

For three days last week, physicians from around the country led demonstrations and a vigil outside of Customs Patrol and Border Protection (CBP) facilities in the San Diego area. After receiving no response to their repeated offers to the departments of Health and Human Services and Homeland Security to provide free flu vaccinations to immigrants in custody, the physicians (and a few NPs) had come to the border with donated influenza vaccine to press for a pilot vaccination program. CBP officials finally said they would pass the request up their chain of command.

Preventable deaths, plus a matter of the larger public health.

Three migrant children died in CBP detention centers during last year’s flu season. The last hours of 16-year-old Carlos Gregorio Hernandez Vasquez, who died in May of influenza, were documented on a grim surveillance camera video that recently circulated widely on the Internet. But the issue of influenza vaccination for migrants is not “merely” one of such preventable deaths; it is a  public health issue. This year’s flu season has ramped up in recent weeks, and a “window of opportunity” for vaccinating this vulnerable population is closing.

The CDC recommends that everyone six months of age and older receive influenza vaccination each year. […]

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