Deserted: Note from a Young ICU Nurse as COVID-19 Pandemic Intensifies in U.S.

The following note came to us from a young ICU nurse in New York State. Based on other accounts we are hearing, her working conditions and the risks they put her and her colleagues in may be far from unusual at the current moment. 

Coworkers and I are feeling a vast array of emotions and one of the worst ones we feel is deserted—we hear very little from hospital administrators (except when management comes to sign out our daily masks to us).

Our earliest confirmed COVID case was not isolated or swabbed for COVID until the day he died (at which point countless staff had been exposed). Several of us nurses requested that the patient be tested earlier in his admission, but mostly due to lack of preparedness and testing protocols on the hospital’s part, the patient was not tested until the fifth day of his admission.

Meanwhile, hospital administrators had sent us text messages telling us that we were not allowed to use any masks in patient rooms unless the patient was officially ordered for isolation precautions, in anticipation of PPE shortages. So, despite our suspicions that the patient had COVID, we were not able to protect ourselves. Hospital staff like me who worked closely with the patient were not informed that he had become an official suspected case until after test results came back, resulting in widespread exposures to staff and their families. The overwhelmed occupational health department gave very little guidance […]

Nurses and COVID-19: Into the Battle with All That We Have and All That We Lack

March 23: There is an important lesson to be learned from Italy, where COVID-19 has rapidly spread, placing a sophisticated health care system on the verge of collapse. Registered nurses (RNs) are suffering from exhaustion, contracting the disease, and leaving the workforce. As we bear witness to this unfolding tragedy, it is incumbent upon all U.S. nurses to take aggressive actions to protect our colleagues, our patients, and ourselves. Nurses who are ill or develop COVID-19 symptoms (fever, cough, shortness of breath) need to stay home. We can’t afford for nurses to infect other nurses. In fact, to ‘surge’ up to meet the anticipated demand for health care services due to the pandemic, still more nurses are needed. As a profession, now is the time to:

  • implement crisis staffing contingency plans,
  • expand the workforce as soon as possible,
  • and ensure the health and safety of all nurses through stringent observation of infection prevention and control measures and access to personal protective equipment (PPE). 

Crisis staffing.

Nurses should immediately make plans for surge capacity to address likely staff shortages. Facilities should consider polling nurses about their willingness to come to work; develop strategies to address the challenges that exist as barriers to coming to work (child care, pet care, transportation); and open conversations regarding the roles nurses are willing to play during the pandemic (see Table 1).

Table 1. Nurse Staffing Actions during a Pandemic (click table to expand)

COVID-19: What a New Study Says and Doesn’t Say About the Possibility of Airborne Transmission

By Betsy Todd, MPH, RN, nurse epidemiologist and AJN clinical editor. Published: March 20. 

As we have become a little more comfortable with the concept of social distancing as a way to mitigate the spread of this new coronavirus, a new worry seemed to dominate conversations this week: the idea that the virus can linger in the air. The takeaway for many people, at least in the conversations I’ve been having, is that you can become infected by simply walking down the street. There is no evidence that this is true (unless, of course, someone sneezes in your face!).

Results of recent experiment deepen our understanding.

A March 17 research letter published in the New England Journal of Medicine reported on experiments in which SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19, was artificially aerosolized. (For comparisons, SARS-CoV-1, which causes SARS, was also aerosolized.) A nebulizer was used to aerosolize the virus, and the aerosol was fed into a rotating drum. The drum apparatus helps to keep the suspended aerosols from settling out of the air, so that their dynamics can be more closely studied.

Under these controlled conditions, the researchers were able to demonstrate that artificially aerosolized virus remained viable and infectious for three hours, and that therefore it’s “plausible” that, if something causes the virus to aerosolize outside of the lab, this could be another mode of transmission […]

1918 Redux: Supportive Nursing Care for the Coronavirus Pandemic Is Courageous Care

Litter carriers at Red Cross Emergency Ambulance Station in Washington, D.C., during influenza pandemic of 1918.

The lessons of the past.

As we struggle to make sense of unfolding data, announcements, and public health directives about the current coronavirus pandemic, appreciating the lessons from past pandemics can help us understand the effectiveness and challenges related to quarantines and social isolation, as well as the need for reliable and timely communications.

In times of public health uncertainty, nurses and nursing care have played a critical role in saving lives and relieving suffering. We now know a great deal about the role of nursing during the 1918 influenza pandemic. Some lessons need heeding now.

Historian Nancy Bristow’s American Pandemic (New York: Oxford University Press, 2012) presents the historical facts clearly. For example, public health officials’ 1918 prohibitions on public gatherings, the sharing of such (then) new personal items as toothbrushes, and school attendance and religious services met acceptance as well as resistance. […]

COVID-19 for Nurses: Skip the Rumors and Stick to the Basics

(Published: February 28. Editor’s note: much information in this post is now dated and the post should be read only as a response to a particular moment in time. COVID-19 is now officially a pandemic and has rapidly spread worldwide. While rumors and misinformation were, sadly, already very much in play when this was written, and the overall tone of this post was neutral and descriptive according to our knowledge at that current moment, the post only remains live for archiving purposes. Our most recent posts on the crisis can be found here.)

In the U.S. at the time of this writing, the major risk presented by the current novel coronavirus (COVID-19) is not from the disease itself but from misinformation. Rumors, misinterpretations, and conspiracy theories are being transmitted at a rate far greater than that of the coronavirus itself. While the situation is evolving rapidly and things can change quickly, our understanding of the illness has also grown in a remarkably  short period of time.

So, is this a pandemic?

In an NPR interview this week, WHO director-general Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus said the term is used to suggest that the spread of a new infection is out of control and doing significant damage worldwide. We are not quite there yet. COVID-19 transmission in China appears to have plateaued, and, while the virus has been detected in numerous other countries this week, several countries have also been successful in controlling the spread of COVID-19 within […]

2020-03-19T14:34:33-04:00February 28th, 2020|infectious diseases, Public health|13 Comments
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