Collaborating with Medical Interpreters: Best Practices for LEP Patients

Limited English proficiency and adverse event risk.

As a native San Franciscan, I grew up surrounded by bilingual people who represented cultures from all over the world. It is a privilege for me to be surrounded by such rich diversity, but many patients who are limited English proficient (LEP) are at risk for adverse events once they enter a health care setting. Identifying a patient’s preferred language at the initial point of entry can ensure that resources are available to support the patient as they navigate the health care system. Medical interpreters are vital to our LEP patients and serve as a bridge for translating both language and other crucial cross-cultural elements of communication.

Letting patients and families know their rights.

Providing interpreting services reduces health inequities for LEP patients and is also required by Title VI of the U.S. Civil Rights Act (1964). This law states that hospitals that receive funding from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services must notify LEP patients of the availability of free interpreting services, which should not include their own friends and family. As nurses, we must advocate for our patients who may not be aware of their rights and may have fears about perceived consequences if they admit to not being proficient in English. Perform a […]

2023-02-13T10:32:40-05:00February 13th, 2023|Nursing, patient engagement, Patients|1 Comment

When Studying Mental Illness in Nurses Means Studying Yourself

Carrying the burden of depression as a nurse.

As I read Anna’s (not her real name) description of how much effort it took to drag herself into work, how much she felt like a burden to her family, and her fear of being “found out,” tears welled up.

“I know,” I said to myself.

I was analyzing an interview transcript for a qualitative study of psychiatric-mental health nurses (PMHNs) who have experienced mental illness. More specifically, my colleagues and I wanted to know how their illnesses impacted their work as nurses.

I have been a PMHN for over 40 years, with an even longer experience of a mental illness. I recognized many of the participants’ stories in my study as my own, but none affected me the way hers did. An alarm bell inside my head went off. If I couldn’t create a clear boundary in my mind between Anna’s experiences and my own, I might be at risk of unduly influencing the study results.

Reflecting on shared experiences of depression.

I was grateful that a colleague was also analyzing these transcripts; to minimize the effects of my own potential bias, I took the opportunity to write down my thoughts and feelings in my reflexivity journal. This is […]

2023-02-02T10:33:57-05:00February 2nd, 2023|mental illness, Nursing, patient experience|1 Comment

Every Patient Needs an IV, or Do They?

(This post is by an author of AJN‘s January CE feature, “Evidence-Based Practice for Peripheral Intravenous Catheter Management.”)

Questioning the status quo.

As a former critical care nurse and now a vascular access nurse researcher, I’ve had the good fortune to travel widely and work with nurses from around the globe on multiple projects. As a researcher, part of my role is to question clinical practices we often take for granted and to ask, “Is this the best way? Could there be a better way?” Identifying practice that may not always be evidence-based is how research often begins.

Prior to the Covid-19 pandemic, I undertook a two-month fellowship in the US and visited several hospitals where, time and again, I noticed the majority of hospital patients had a peripheral intravenous catheter (PIVC) in place, but many were not in use. When I asked the nursing and medical staff why patients had a PIVC that was not in use, I was repeatedly told, “Every patient needs an IV, just in case.” When I pointed out that some patients had two or three PIVCs not in use, or a central venous access device as well, it became obvious that this is a common problem.

An ‘idle’ catheter is a PIVC that has not […]

2023-01-11T11:41:34-05:00January 11th, 2023|Nursing, patient safety|0 Comments

Over-the-Counter Hearing Aids: A Panacea?

The U.S. Food & Drug Administration (FDA) recently approved the sale of over-the-counter (OTC) hearing aids for people with mild to moderate hearing loss (not severe hearing loss), beginning Oct. 17, 2022. What should nurses know about these devices?

Margaret Wallhagen

Hearing loss is one of the most common chronic conditions, becomes increasingly prevalent across the life span, and is far from benign. This latter fact is often not appreciated, but hearing loss is associated with a range of negative psychosocial concerns such as isolation and depression, as well as many health-related conditions, including falls, delirium, and cognitive decline.

For a long time, I’ve been passionate about raising awareness about hearing loss and its impact on people, their families, society, and the health care they receive, as well as promoting hearing health care access. One intervention that can mitigate some of the impact of hearing loss is the use of hearing aids. The focus of this brief blog post is on a new opportunity for people to access this technology that those of us in health care should be aware of.

Cost as a barrier to use of hearing aids.

Prescription hearing aids, while far from perfect, can help, and usually do make hearing less […]

ER Nurse Who Called 911 for Backup: ‘What Are We Afraid Of?’

Making the call.

As I got home this morning after a hectic 12-hour shift as charge RN in a 50-bed ER, I sat in my silent car for a moment to ponder how much has changed in the last three weeks.

Three weeks ago, overwhelmed by walk-in patients and ambulance traffic and severely short-staffed, I called the emergency services non-emergent line and asked for help in our crowded lobby. I wasn’t thinking about the repercussions, about the uproar or the giant target I sometimes feel I’ve installed on my back with my outspokenness. I was thinking about my coworkers, spread too thin, exhausted and afraid for their licenses, and the patients that I knew had been sitting in the lobby for hours, sick and in pain and mostly unmonitored. I had no idea of the attention that call would receive.

Did speaking out change anything?

Someone recently asked, “What changes have you seen in the month since you made that call?”

For myself, I’ve been learning to navigate in a more public arena, […]

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