Nurses Reconsider Accepted Wisdom About Transfusion Catheter Size
By Betsy Todd, MPH, RN, CIC, AJN clinical editor.
Most of us have had the unhappy experience of replacing a patient’s perfectly good IV with a 19- or 20-gauge catheter in preparation for transfusion. The Question of Practice column in our December issue, “Changing Blood Transfusion Policy and Practice,” explores the rationale behind the long-time practice of using only large-bore catheters for blood transfusions.
After one patient’s particularly harrowing series of sticks to place a “large enough” catheter, a small team of oncology nurses asked themselves, “What evidence supports the use of a 20-gauge-or-larger catheter for blood transfusions?”
Most of these nurses had little experience with formal literature searches. Under the guidance of their clinical nurse specialist, they formulated a “PICOT” question (Population, Intervention, Comparison intervention, Outcome, and Time):
In adults receiving blood transfusions (P), what is the effect of using a smaller-than-20-gauge catheter (I) versus using a 20-gauge-or-larger catheter (C) on hemolysis or potassium level or both (O) within 24 hours of transfusion (T)? (Many of us were taught that a larger-bore catheter is necessary in order to prevent hemolysis during transfusion. Potassium is released when red blood cells rupture.)
The nurses set out to explore the literature and the guidelines of authoritative sources such as the Infusion Nurses Society. But they weren’t left to work […]