Nurses spend more time with patients than most other types of providers and have unique insight into patient care and the the healthcare system.
AJN’s Spring Break with the Student Nurses in Phoenix: Sunnier Job Outlook for New Graduates?
By Maureen Shawn Kennedy, MA, RN, AJN editor-in-chief
After a long winter in the Northeast, it was wonderful to visit Phoenix last week for the 63rd annual convention of the National Student Nurses’ Association (NSNA).
Like other meetings, this one was packed from morning to late evening with educational sessions, exhibits, resume-writing consultation, and for some, deliberating over 60 resolutions at the House of Delegates. Keynotes addressed:
- health care reform (Gerri Lamb).
- progress on implementing recommendations from the Future of Nursing report (Susan Hassmiller).
- clinical ethics and moral distress (Veronica Feeg and Cynda Rushton).
- and, the closing speech, a charge to continue nursing’s legacy into the future (yours truly).
Concurrent sessions, most of them well attended by Starbucks-fueled students, covered nursing specialties, exam help, licensure and legal/ethical issues, and clinical topics. (Betsy Todd, AJN‘s clinical editor, who is also an epidemiologist, led a session called “Is It Safe: Protecting Ourselves and Our Patients from Infectious Diseases.”)
Changing job climate? Several students I spoke with who were graduating at the end of the semester didn’t seem to have the anxiety of previous years’ students over securing a job. Maybe this is because things are looking up in the job market for new graduate nurses, at least according to recent figures in NSNA’s annual survey of graduates.
Reporting in the January issue of Dean’s Notes, researcher Veronica Feeg, associate dean of […]