Nurses spend more time with patients than most other types of providers and have unique insight into patient care and the the healthcare system.
The Stay-at-Home Nurse
“You may not always take your work home with you, but you take your nurse self everywhere.”
Diane Stonecipher, BSN, RN, lives in Austin, Texas.
The proverbial “what do you do?” always flummoxed me. My answer was usually some variation on this: “I used to be a nurse, but I have not worked outside the home while I’ve been raising my sons.”
But most people stopped listening after the “I used to be.” Sure, I could recite some things that I had done during the intervening years, but they were not really vocations I could make a claim to.
Even my children, who I had after first being a nurse for 15 years, never thought of me as a nurse. I did not leave the house for work, I did not get paid, I did not gripe about my job (in front of them), and I was available to them 24/7.
There are many professions that lend themselves to being a good mother. There are many interests, talents, and personalities that contribute to good mothering skills. Look at nature and you will see incredible maternal gifts in every species.
Still, I can’t help but think that I have been a better mother because I am a nurse and that my children have […]