Nurses spend more time with patients than most other types of providers and have unique insight into patient care and the the healthcare system.
AJN in March: Caring for Dying Prisoners, RRTs, Sexual Abuse and Survivorship, Anencephaly, More
This month’s cover shows an elderly prisoner being handcuffed before transportation to a local hospital. Older inmates like this one represent the fastest growing age demographic in the U.S. prison population.
An important role in the care of prisoners is often filled by other inmates. The ambulance transporting the prisoner on our cover was staffed by inmates, for example, and inmates can be trained to care for sick prisoners, especially the terminally ill. For an in-depth look at the current state of care delivery for dying inmates, read “End-of-Life Care Behind Bars: A Systematic Review.”
Some other articles of note in the March issue:
Original Research: “The Benefits of Rapid Response Teams: Exploring Perceptions of Nurse Leaders, Team Members, and End Users.” It matters how a health care facility’s members regard its rapid response team (RRT). Subjective perceptions that the program has benefits—even in the absence of objective confirmation—tend to be associated with its continued use and long-term sustainability. This qualitative study investigates the perceptions of nurse leaders, RRT members, and RRT users concerning the benefits of RRTs. Its findings suggest several recommendations for practice, policy, and further research.
CE Feature: “Revisiting Child Sexual Abuse and Survivor Issues.” Child sexual abuse is a global issue that all nurses must be aware of as they care for children in various care settings. This article focuses on the prevalence, potential risk […]