How Did She Do It? A Second Chance to Study Clara Barton’s Legacy

Do you know that game where people ask each other which famous person they would most like to have dinner with? Well, for me it’s Clara Barton. I would jump right to the punch line: Dearest Clara, how DID you do it? 

How did you stand up for enslaved people during the height of the Civil War? How did you manage to care for the men fighting in the Civil War with all the gore that war brings, in your hoop skirt no less?

Men and women alike were frowning upon your activities and actively blocking your efforts—and asking you to simply go home and be a lady. How were you able to help families find their missing husbands, sons, and fathers during and after the war, and then help locate and mark nearly 13,000 graves?

Founding the American Red Cross

And here’s the big one, Clara: How were you able to take the lessons you learned from caring for soldiers during the war and assisting in disasters to build one of the greatest humanitarian organizations of all time, the American Red Cross—as a 59-year-old single woman, no less? Most people told you it was impossible to create an organization that was impartial, neutral, independent of the government, and run by volunteers. Then you led […]