About Shawn Kennedy, MA, RN, FAAN, editor-in-chief (emerita)

Editor-in-chief, (emerita), AJN

Geneva, Switzerland: Tortured Souls and Maimed Victims on the Way to the Red Cross Museum

"The Petrified"

I like Geneva. What’s not to like about a city that celebrates chocolate, watches, flowers, and Heidi? However, on this visit to attend meetings of the Global Advisory Group on Nursing and Midwifery at the World Health Organization (WHO), I used some of my free time for more serious pursuits as well. "Broken Chair"

At United Nations Square, just across from the Palais des Nations, a sculpture of a 12-meters-tall straight-back chair with one broken leg looms over one corner of the square. Commissioned by Handicap International, “Broken Chair” (by artist Daniel Berset) is a monument to those who have lost limbs from land mines. It’s a powerful image.

Just off the square and up a small rise is the Musee International de la Croix-Rouge et du Croissant-Rouge (so much better in French than the “International Red Cross and Red Crescent Museum”). As you walk up the ramp to the museum entrance, you encounter a group of shrouded, life-size figures by Swiss artist Carl Bucher. The piece, called “The Petrified,” represents the faceless victims of human rights violations. The effect of the figures is sobering—a high school class walking up the ramp, clowning and laughing and chatting loudly, literally stopped in their tracks and fell silent. The teenagers behind them started yelling for them to move on, but then they too quieted down when they came into view of the […]

Red Cross Reinstates Chief Nurse Position and Appoints Sharon Stanley

American Red Cross Headquarters, Washington, DC. Photo by Laura Padgett, via Flickr.

Sharon A. R. Stanley, PhD, RN, RS, has been named chief nurse and director of disaster health and mental health services by the American Red Cross. AJN is pleased to see that the Red Cross decided to renew the position of Chief Nurse—especially now that its Red Cross Nursing Service is poised to celebrate its 100th anniversary next month. As we reported in AJN last July, the organization’s leadership gave early retirement to Chief Nurse Nancy McKelvey, and cut the position as part of its plan to deal with a $200 million deficit. Our report was the basis for an emergency resolution at the 2008 American Nurses Association (ANA) meeting of its House of Delegates, in which the delegates directed the ANA to write and urge the Red Cross to reinstate the position. […]

Head Nurse! AJN’s Editorial Director Goes Back to Bellevue

I worked in Bellevue Hospital’s emergency department in NYC back in the 1970s.  It’s where I “cut my teeth” in nursing and it has always been a source of pride.  Bellevue ED nurses were considered to be top-notch, able to handle any situation that came through the door. We stood our ground with overbearing physicians and administrators; Lori Chiarelli, my Head Nurse, set a high bar. I visited there last week and met with Marion Machado, the Head Nurse of the Emergency Ward (EW). (I like that they still use the Head Nurse titlethere’s no doubt as to who is in charge.)

Marion Machado, Head Nurse, Bellevue Emergency Ward Marion Machado, Head Nurse, Bellevue Emergency Ward

Machado is a no-nonsense, roll-up-your-sleeves-and-get-it-done kind of person with a quick smile and sarcastic wit (a perfect ED nurse). She was wearing blue scrubs and a stethoscope around her neck; we sat at the work station in the middle of the EW, a large room with 10 beds around the perimeter.  As we talked, her eyes moved constantly, scanning monitors and people and occasionally shouting instructions to staff. She returned to the conversation at hand without missing […]

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