How Nurses Use Humor at Work: And Other Recommended Reading from AJN’s September Issue
On this month’s cover is ephemeral snow, a painting by Pennsylvania medical–surgical nurse Ren Hernandez. See our “On the Cover” column to learn more about his work.
The September issue of AJN is now live.
“Through both happy and tragic moments, humor can change one’s perceptions of a situation, making it easier to face workplace challenges and demands,” write Edessa Cadiz and colleagues in this month’s Original Research article, “Exploring Nurses’ Use of Humor in the Workplace: A Thematic Analysis.” Their study findings clarify how humor serves as a coping strategy.
The September CE article, “Strengthening Nurses’
Influence in Health Policy,” introduces the Patton Zalon Ludwick Policy Assessment Framework that nurses across settings and roles can use to examine their knowledge and actions for expanding policy activities.
What does it mean to take an intersectionality-informed stance in nursing practice? Read editor-in-chief Carl A. Kirton’s Focus on DEI column to find out.
In “Professional Licensure: Protecting Your Nursing Livelihood, Part 1,” nurse and attorney Edie A. Brous explains why nurses […]