About Jacob Molyneux, senior editor/blog editor

Senior editor, American Journal of Nursing; editor of AJN Off the Charts.

FDA Revokes Authorizations for Certain Respirators, Decontamination Systems

Changes reflect replenished stockpiles of approved equipment.

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has revoked its emergency use authorization for disposable respirators that haven’t been approved by the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH). Emergency use authorizations for decontamination and bioburden reduction systems were also revoked as of June 30.

The actions were taken to align with updated recommendations from the CDC and the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) that reflect an increased domestic supply of approved respirators. This means facilities no longer need to rely on crisis strategies to cope with supply shortages, such as the reuse of disposable respirators.

The FDA ruling, which took effect July 6, allows for a transition period. The agency suggests that health care facilities consider redistributing unapproved respirators to countries in need as well as to nonmedical industries, such as construction.

Every employer must have plan to protect workers.

Also in June, OSHA issued an Emergency Temporary Standard to protect health care workers from exposure to COVID-19. The standard requires that every employer have a plan in place that identifies COVID-19 hazards in the workplace and lists additional requirements for reducing transmission of COVID-19, including the use of respirators and PPE. OSHA will continue to monitor […]

2021-10-18T09:52:28-04:00October 18th, 2021|Nursing|0 Comments

Children’s Mental Health Crisis Reveals Holes in System

You don’t have to look far for evidence that the mental health of children and adolescents has been entering a crisis in recent years, one exacerbated by the unusual conditions imposed by Covid-19.

The June 18 Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report (MMWR) from the CDC reported:

During February 21–March 20, 2021, suspected suicide attempt ED visits were 50.6% higher among girls aged 12–17 years than during the same period in 2019; among boys aged 12–17 years, suspected suicide attempt ED visits increased 3.7%.

Photo by Yasser Chalid/Getty Images

As noted in a recent Washington Post story, “Emergency departments have meanwhile become a tattered safety net for adolescent mental health care.”

In this month’s AJN, Betsy Todd summarizes some of the current issues seen by school nurses and other health care professionals like nurse practitioners (NPs), who often feel overwhelmed by the intensity of the suffering and need they are now seeing in many children.

Systems pushed to their limits.

Todd notes that existing systems are proving woefully inadequate to the growing need, with wait times increasing to see child psychiatrists, therapists, and other experts, and pediatric hospitals in several states reporting “sharp increases in ED visits […]

A New Nurse Learns Focus and Grace Under Pressure

“I entered this new chapter in my life running at full speed. But at nearly the same time, the world seemed to be coming to a full stop.”

That’s from the August Reflections essay in AJN: “2020: What a Time to Become a Nurse.” Alicia Sgroi finished nursing school and started as an RN in a Florida ICU in February 2020, just as the pandemic was starting to get a foothold in the United States. By June, her unit had been converted to a COVID-positive step-down unit.

Much has been written about the pressures and trauma of being a nurse during the pandemic. We know that it’s been tough for all nurses, sometimes overwhelmingly so. In fact, the original research article in the August issue of AJN is a study that looks at personal and institutional factors affecting levels of well-being and resilience among nurses during the pandemic, from staffing to support networks to personal resilience.

Rising to the occasion.

As a new nurse, Sgroi was understandably worried about catching the virus and also about having the skills to care for such patients. But as she tells it, far from discouraging her from continuing as a nurse, the experience […]

Finding Perspective In an Ancient and Fabled Landscape

“Negativity and angst dissolved. Silence seeped into our spines, relaxing our amplified neural conversations and untying cranky muscles. We were just two insignificant human specks surrounded by a massive, glacier-carved swamp; its deep bowl filled with the layering detritus of millennia…”

Illustration by Janet Hamlin for AJN. All rights reserved.

The above quote is from the July Reflections essay in AJN. We’ve been running this column for decades, each month a one-page personal essay by a different outside author, many but not all of them nurses.

The author of “Of Swamps and Pandemics” in July (free until August 20) is Pamela Sturtevant, a nurse in Massachusetts. She writes deeply and well about a simple thing: taking a walk with a companion in an ancient and fabled swamp during the height of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Taking refuge in ‘deep time.’

While the most frightening surges of the coronavirus may be in the past, and the initially bewildering and all-powerful virus has been tamed by vaccines and precautions if not vanquished, our world hardly feels more stable than it did a year ago. Smoke from wildfires 3,000 miles to the west recently tinted a sickly yellow the air of states […]

Some Recent APEX and Clarion Award Winning AJN Content

AJN recently learned it had won several publishing awards, both for its social media and journal content. We are grateful to all the writers, artists, (and editors!) who help us keep up with the times. The articles (and AJN cover) noted below are all worth revisiting, and not just because they serve as a window on a time of particular urgency, improvisation, and courage.

APEX Awards

Apex Awards 2021This blog won a 2021 APEX Awards Grand Prize in Social Media for the following three blog posts published during the height of the COVID pandemic in 2020.

Deserted: Note from a Young ICU Nurse as COVID-19 Pandemic Intensifies in U.S.

A Message from Frontline Nurses: Let’s Keep the Real Enemy in Sight

Practicing the ABCDEs of Self-Care in Pandemic Times

AJN also won an APEX Award of Excellence in the writing/news writing category.

AJN Reports: The Politicization of COVID-19 […]

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