AJN’s monthly news section covers timely and important research and policy stories that are relevant to the nursing world. Here are some of the stories you’ll find in our current issue (news articles in AJN are free access):
Eating Whole Grains Can Reduce Disease, Mortality Risks
In a new study, researchers who sought to quantify the relationship between whole grain intake and the risks of coronary heart disease, cardiovascular disease, cancer, and premature mortality found that increasing the daily intake of whole grains by 90 grams (equal to three servings) was associated with reduced risk for all of those conditions.
Are Nurses Being Nudged Out of Policymaking?
Setbacks in the representation of nurses in policy roles are raising concerns—particularly in the United Kingdom, where the Department of Health’s nursing, midwifery, and allied health professions policy unit is being eliminated, and within the World Health Organization, which has seen a drop in the percentage of nurses on staff in professional or higher categories.
Evidence Weak for Antidepressant Use in Children and Adolescents
A comprehensive meta-analysis of antidepressant use in this population concluded that the drugs generally do not yield a clear advantage. Only fluoxetine was statistically significantly more effective than placebo.

Air pollution, such as that shown here in New Delhi, India, is a significant contributor to stroke burden in low- and middle-income countries. Photo by Tsering Topgyal / Associated Press.
Study Assesses the Global Stroke Burden
According to a recent systemic analysis of risk factors for stroke, more than 90% of the global stroke burden can be attributed to modifiable risk factors such as air pollution, diets high in sodium or sugar-sweetened beverages, low physical activity, and smoking.
Spiritual Issues in Nursing Practice
The line that separates faith and professional practice can be hazy. When it comes to addressing spiritual issues with patients, many health care providers are hesitant or unsure of how to do so—and many desire additional guidance, clarification, and support in dealing with such issues in practice.
In addition, click here and scroll down to “In the News” for this month’s NewsCAPs (brief takes on hot health-related topics) as well as a state news roundup.
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