AJN’s monthly news section covers timely and important research and policy stories that are relevant to the nursing world. Here’s a preview of the stories you’ll find in our current issue (news articles in AJN are free access):

The percentages of fetal development booklet inaccuracies by state. Courtesy of Amanda M. Roberti via the Informed Consent Project.
States Providing Inaccurate Clinical Information Before Abortion
Researchers at Rutgers University analyzed the accuracy of state-authored informed-consent materials given to women seeking abortions and found that misinformation was common—especially regarding first-trimester fetal development.
Rates of Premature Death Rise in Rural Counties
While rates of premature death are dropping in urban areas, the opposite is true in rural counties. A new report from County Health Rankings and Roadmaps suggests that these disparities in health outcomes may stem from factors like smoking patterns, diet, and a lack of access to care.
Early Ingestion of Peanuts May Be Effective in Reducing Peanut Allergies
Infants with an elevated risk for peanut allergy were 86% less likely to develop the allergy when they were fed peanut products over a period of years, compared with those fed no peanut-containing foods, according to a new study.
Evidence-Based Care Is Highly Valued but Underused by Many Nurse Executives
A survey of chief nursing officers and chief nursing executives found that most said they value evidence-based practice, but despite its link to better-quality care, many don’t implement it on the job.
Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) Vaccine Linked to Steep Reduction of Virus in Teen Girls
The prevalence of HPV among girls and women in the 14-to-19-year age group dropped 64% within six years of the HPV vaccine’s introduction in 2006; it also dropped 34% in the 20-to-24-year age group, but did not decrease among women ages 25 to 34.
In addition, click here and scroll down to “In the News” for this month’s NewsCAPs (brief takes on health-related hot topics) as well as a From the Agencies roundup of announcements from U.S. and global health agencies.
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