What’s a Preceptor’s Duty When a New Nurse Doesn’t Fit the Unit?

Challenges and joys.

square peg, round hole

Precepting new graduate nurses is challenging but also exhilarating. To guide a new nurse to a point of safe, confident, independent patient care requires a different level of critical thinking and relational skills. How do I delegate tasks and responsibility to my preceptee safely? How do I teach in a way that connects well with my preceptee’s learning style? How do I reassure the patient and family that they are safe in the care of these new hands under my watch?

Despite the challenges, it is inspiring to play an integral role in someone’s growth. I experience pride and joy watching my preceptees evolve from nervous trainees to skilled and compassionate novice nurses.

While I am always seeking to build up the new graduate nurse I’m precepting, the ultimate goal is always patient safety. There are rare times when new nurses have not not found the ‘right fit’ in our unit. We are a pediatric ICU unit in a level one trauma hospital. We care for very sick patients, are very fast-paced, and rarely have lulls in our census.

When a preceptee struggles.

I recently had a preceptee who struggled with the basics in caring for even our most stable patients. […]

2019-01-09T12:17:49-05:00January 9th, 2019|Nursing|4 Comments

Telling the Truth, Keeping a Patient’s Trust

“Am I going to be okay?” Ami gasps. Her breath hitches, her chest rising and falling in spasms. One of my hands holds a mask to her face; the other hand holds hers. Pain has made her strong—my fingers are almost as white as her pale face, radiant with fear.

Illustration by McClain Moore for AJN. Illustration by McClain Moore for AJN.

That’s the start of the Reflections essay in AJN‘s February issue, “Am I Going to Be Okay?” Nurses tell patients ‘it’s going to be okay’ because the words can keep them calm, because no one can tell the future, because it’s comforting to hear ritualized phrases from a caregiver—even when they’re not, strictly speaking, true.

But are there times when more honesty is desirable? The author of this short Reflections essay delves into one such situation where the patient needs, above all, to feel trust for her nurse. […]

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