School Nurses as the New Front Line in the Struggle to Contain COVID

School nursing services did not end when our brick-and-mortar buildings closed in March because of COVID-19. School nurses continued to provide a full spectrum of care in the most innovative ways. We supported parents as they grappled with the enormity of the sudden pivot to remote learning and linked parents and students to community resources that school nurses know so well. We continued care coordination, working with our most vulnerable students and families; created pathways to provide virtual school nursing services; and provided health education. Certified school nurses became contact tracers, delivered meals to students and families, and explained the transition from in-person medical appointments to telehealth. And we continue to support our parents in scheduling much-needed physicals and immunization updates before school reopening. The front line of our struggle with COVID will now be at school and school nurses will be the first responders. Students and staff with one or more COVID symptoms may be asked to isolate for a minimum of 10 days following department of health guidelines. There will be mass absenteeism of both staff and students, as close contacts for those who have tested positive will also have to quarantine for 14 days. This information has not been communicated clearly and consistently on a statewide level to our school communities. Youth community spread of the virus is already here and we are in an ever-changing landscape in terms of COVID-19 containment—we are chasing this virus and the virus is chasing us. Too few nurses in too … Continue reading School Nurses as the New Front Line in the Struggle to Contain COVID