Fish Safety Concerns: Navigating the Waters

Considering the conflicting advice on eating fish that has appeared in the media over the past few years, the public is undoubtedly confused. Nurses and other health care professionals will likely find themselves having to address this issue, especially with pregnant and nursing patients and parents of young children, all of whom are likely to be concerned.

–(from “To Eat Fish or Not to Eat Fish” in the February issue of AJN)

Photo by Emilio Ereza/ag e fotostock Photo by Emilio Ereza/ag e fotostock

I’ve been hearing about the unexplained illness of a good friend’s close colleague for a number of months. Dozens of costly and invasive tests have been performed to explain her malaise, headache, chronic stomach and digestion problems, fatigue, dizziness, and so on. Recently, a potential culprit was identified: mercury poisoning. I don’t know all the facts, but her mercury poisoning may well have something to do with the fact that she eats sushi at least once a week, and perhaps a lot of other mercury-containing fish as well.

What does this have to do with nursing? Maybe a lot, in terms of providing sound nutritional advice to patients who might be at particular risk for mercury poisoning, or in […]