A Nurse’s Popular Preteen Classes on Puberty….Parents Included

Julie Metzger, MN, RN. Photo by Holly Andres.

The first time I menstruated, I knew exactly what it meant: that I could never go swimming again. I don’t know how I squared this idea with the fact that older girls and women were always in the city pool when I went there. Illogically, I was convinced I was now doomed to living without my favorite summer pastime.

A couple of years earlier my mom and I, along with most of the girls in my class and their moms, had nervously attended the school nurse’s annual lecture to fourth grade girls. Apparently, “no more swimming” was my garbled take-home from that event.

For preteen girls only, and their mothers.

Today, nurse Julie Metzger tackles misunderstandings like this with lively presentations about puberty to preteens and their mothers. She and her work are profiled in “Great Conversations: A Nurse Tackles the Puberty Talk” (free until March 28) in this month’s AJN. Metzger combines humorous props (a maxi pad stuck to her shoulder) and storytelling to talk about body changes, the opposite sex, decision-making, and friendship. […]

2018-03-20T11:56:23-04:00March 14th, 2018|Nursing|2 Comments

A ‘Ruined Generation of Men,’ Plus a New Class Divide? Digital Adverse Effects in the News

By Michael Fergenson, AJN senior editorial coordinator

LAN Party NW, 2009/Chase N., via Flickr

There continue to be questions raised about the harmful effects of the excessive use of digital devices, mostly in the young but also in adults. Such ills as ADHD, violence, poor school performance, social isolation, and bullying have been attributed to the overuse of gaming, the Internet, and social media Web sites.

A ruined generation of men? Psychologist Phillip Zimbardo, well known for his ethically borderline 1971 Stanford Prison Experiment, contends that video games and digital media do have a detrimental effect on today’s youth, especially males. His recent article, “The Demise of Guys: How Video Games and Porn Are Ruining a Generation,” argues that addiction to video games and online porn “is creating a generation of risk-averse guys who are unable (and unwilling) to navigate the complexities and risks inherent to real-life relationships, school and employment.”

He refers to stories such as a South Korean man who went into cardiac arrest after playing a video game for 50 hours straight, a man whose wife kicked him out because he couldn’t stop watching porn, and a mass murder suspect who claims to have used video games to prepare for his crime of shooting 77 people. Zimbardo argues there may be a link between violent video games and real-life aggression.

Causation is hard to prove, but many studies have pointed to negative physiologic and psychosocial effects of such games over […]

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