AJN’s March Issue: CVD Prevention in Women, Hand Hygiene, Sexuality in Nursing Homes, More

AJN0313.Cover.Online.inddAJN’s March issue is now available on our Web site. Here’s a selection of what not to miss.

Recent surveys show that women continue to underestimate their true risk of cardiovascular disease (CVD). This prompted the American Heart Association (AHA) to update its guidelines for preventing CVD in women. To make sure you’re up to date on the latest information, read “Update on Cardiovascular Disease Prevention in Women.”

This article is open access and can earn you 2.3 continuing education (CE) credits. (The cover image to the right, a lithograph from 1830, is called A Map of the Open Country of a Woman’s Heart. For more about it, read this month’s “On the Cover.”)

Although hand hygiene is considered to be the most effective way of preventing health care–associated infections, not all health care workers adhere to the guidelines. The month’s original research article presents findings from an interventional study that showed how the introduction of gel sanitizer and informational posters improved hand hygiene at two outpatient clinics. This article is open access and can earn you 2.1 CE credits. A podcast with the author is available on our Web site, and we also feature a 1932 article on hand hygiene in our department, From the AJN Archives.

Although nurses may think of sexuality as more likely to preoccupy the young, our Sexually Speaking article, “Sexuality in Nursing Care Facilities,” points out that nursing home residents have the […]