01AJN0615 CoverAccording to one of the authors of “Cultivating Mindfulness to Enhance Nursing Practice,” the Cultivating Quality article now available in our June issue, mindfulness can be understood as a practice centered around “remembering to pay attention with care and discernment to what is occurring in your immediate experience.” On the cover of our June issue (left), nurses at the Dana-Farber Cancer Institute in Boston practice mindfulness in a spacious garden, as part of a multifaceted program to help nurses manage stress and make the best of opportunities to more fully connect with patients and families. The article discusses the outcome of the program and how nurses in all settings can use mindfulness-based techniques to enhance their well-being and the care of patients.

Also in the June issue, a continuing education (CE) feature article, “Early Percutaneous Endoscopic Gastrostomy Tube Dislodgment,” describes the details of a case study of early percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy tube dislodgment, attempted replacement, and subsequent sepsis that resulted in the patient’s death. This case is used to better inform nurses about gastrostomy techniques, complications, preventive strategies, and proper tube management.

As new research has increased our understanding of epilepsy and the challenges patients with epilepsy face, the role of the nurse as an educator and advocate has grown. Our other June CE article, “Epilepsy Update, Part 2: Nursing Care and Evidence-Based Treatment,” addresses essential aspects of assessing and caring for patients with epilepsy, including the seizure first-aid instructions that all family members of a patient with epilepsy should have, the teaching points to share with parents of young children with epilepsy, and online resources for patients, family members, and health care professionals. (Part 1 of the article was published and May.)

Our June column from the Pennsylvania Patient Safety Authority, “Safety Monitor: Preventing Central Line Air Embolism,” discusses air embolism, an infrequent but potentially lethal complication of central line use. The article describes how hospitals can decrease the risk for air embolism by establishing policies and procedures that contain specific air embolism prevention protocols for central line insertion, management, and removal.

Our June special feature article, “Culturally Competent Care: Using the ESFT Model In Nursing,” provides nurses with an overview of continuing health care disparities in the United States as well as practical ways they can help reduce them through effective communication and culturally competent care, specifically using the ESFT model. This model uses the ESFT mnemonic (Explanatory model of health and illness, Social and environmental factors, Fears and concerns, Therapeutic contracting) to engage patients in culturally responsive conversations and uncover potential threats to treatment adherence.

For the full June issue, including updates on new drugs, a Reflections essay, an editorial, news pertinent to nurses, and much more, please visit our home page.

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